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Download / Streaming Link : https://t.me/godamseries/3
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Gura said WHAT??
I can't defend her anymore guyss
Cr : Animal space
High Potential Season 1 Episode 01 Streaming | Download Link : https://t.me/godamseries/3
I try my best okay?? I don't wanna hear anything from you guys!!
Real Madrid kembali beraksi di LaLiga dengan hasil imbang melawan Atlético Madrid di Bernabéu (Real Madrid 1-1 Atlético Madrid). Babak pertama berakhir tanpa gol, kedua tim sama-sama bermain imbang.
#sepakbola #godambola #godam
Yang naik patung
Watch as your favorite VTubers take on the ultimate weird filters challenge! Can they keep a straight face, or will they crack up? TRY NOT TO LAUGH!
Gura's should really learn to read first before taking action, ckckck